Thursday, August 18, 2005

Buddy, can you paradigm?

Everything put together, sooner or later falls apart...and we WANT it that way!
Change is a good thing even when it seems at the time not to be.
Change paves the way (or UN paves it) for maybe something better to come along.
I am thankful that this world is more resilient than we give her credit for.
Truth is, we will either learn to live in harmony with this planet or create our own extinction (time and again), and then the planet will heal herself however long it takes.
Whenever I think about Mount St. Helen's in Washington, how such a short time ago it looked like a lifeless lunar landscape in the aftermath of the erruption, I ponder it now, and see just how quickly the land adapted, regrouped, healed, and now continues.
I can't help thinking that civilizations have come and gone probably many more times than have been reported by historians; that we've been here and then not here and then here again for much longer than is popularly surmised.
We've always had a choice whether to be symbiotic with our beloved gift of a planet, or to be destructive parasites, in which case Gaia has a good scratch and a dip in the cosmic bath and there we are having to start all over again with the same choices.


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